Italians don't do it better
Cava or Prosecco?
Well the Italians do make nice cars, have great fashion and their food is delicious, but we prefer 3ply over 2ply and that is why we drink Cava and not Prosecco.
Here is our reasoning…
When it comes to the world of bubbles, there are 4 styles: Champagne, Cava, Prosecco and because we’re in Australia, Sparkling wine. The first 3 is not just in the name but the region where they are made. Because of this, Australian Sparkling is our last choice, and as much as we love Champagne, we’re choosing a wine that is affordable and a weekday friendly.
This brings us to Cava & Prosecco, one is from Spain and the other from Italy.
Besides the Terroir and grapes used, the difference lies largely in the wine-making process. Cava uses the Traditional or Champagne Method, whereas Prosecco relies on the Charmat Method, where the secondary fermentation of the wine takes place in stainless tanks and not in the bottle.
Traditional Method produces higher-quality sparkling wines, as there is an added layer of complexity, texture and creaminess. Charmat Method is the cheaper and less expensive method and often these wines can be pumped out in less than 2 months. The minimum time in the bottle for Cava is 12 months.
We prefer to drink and spend our money on better quality and tasting wines and this is why we choose Cava over Prosecco any day of the week, and so should you!